Out of curiosity, I looked up the meaning of AI (Artificial Intelligence). According to one definition, it is a field which combines computer science and robust data sets to enable problem solving. This had me even more curious. I wondered how it is used. I was surprised to learn that it is already enabling technologies to put it to use in medicine, transportation, robotics, science, education, surveillance, finance, agriculture, entertainment, retail, customer service, and manufacturing. This means it is impacting almost every industry… allowing for an increase in efficiency, reducing costs, improving customer service, boosting revenues and having an overall positive advantage in the marketplace.
Another interesting fact. It is said that a child born today will have a job that does not yet exist. This is a positive, because on another report I saw, it indicated that in 5 years, employers will use machines and displacing over 85 million jobs. Perhaps young people in high school and college should be advised to consider and explore courses in AI and career opportunities the field has to offer.
Just an interesting topic and some facts I found very interesting in a field that is only going to grow in the years ahead.