This thing called retirement. It comes quicker than you think, lasts longer than you thought, and means different things to different people.
Some want to retire early and some never want to retire. So, you need to decide early or never, but start your plan now.
First ask yourself – What is retirement going to look like for you? Where will you live, how much money will you need and what do you plan to do? It’s never too early to begin your retirement plan.
As we get started on this thing called retirement, I’m going to share my thoughts on getting started and things to look out for and do. We will start with the money first, that’s where most fall short. If you start early, you will need to save less. If you start later, you will need to save a lot.
That was easy. You have many options from which to choose. My goal is to cover the good and the bad in future articles.
This first one, I want to get you thinking about retirement. I will share ideas on passing your accumulated wealth to your heirs and keeping the government out of the picture. I might share some ideas on shaving taxes so you can accumulate more. Till next time, start thinking about your future. Let’s get some planning started.
If you’d like, call me at 814-931-0224. Let’s discuss getting started. Remember, as a client once told me, plan on retiring from something to something.