Open Enrollment (OEP) began on November 1, 2023 and usually ends around January 15, 2024. If you want a January 1st effective date the last day to enroll is December 15, 2023. There are income guidelines for you to qualify, so it is smart to start gathering information early.
In the last several years many people left their traditional jobs and are in need of affordable health coverage. Healthcare costs are on the rise. It is important to get information in order to make a decision on the right coverage for you.
Although the price tag certainly plays a part in the plan you choose, so do other costs associated with the plan. For an individual or a married couple a high deductible and low premium may be a good option. For a family with multiple members, a higher premium with fewer out of pocket costs may be the way to go.
The marketplace may not always have the best prices, so it is good to perhaps talk to a broker in your community that represents a number of insurance companies and can help you with a plan that suits your needs and budget.
For those with coverage in place, it is always a good idea to go over the coverage or changes that might be going into effect in the coming year.